Retreat Registration Form (Netherlands)

In order to register for the retreat, please fill in the form below. All information provided is kept confidentially and we rely on your honesty and accuracy to help us better evaluate whether our psychedelic retreats are a good option for you.

It is best to use a laptop to fill in this questionnaire. If you are using a MOBILE PHONE to fill in this form, please click on the blue arrows CAPTCHA icon at the bottom, otherwise it will bring up an error.

If you are dyslexic and it feels too much to fill in this form, please contact us to see what would be the best way to send us your reply.

Retreat Registration form
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Have you experienced any of the following conditions?
Are you experiencing any of these symptoms on a regular basis?
Do you take any of these medications regularly?
Do you take any of the following supplements regularly?
Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding? Are you planning to have a child soon?
Have you or anyone in your close family (parents or siblings) been diagnosed with or suspected of having any of the following conditions?
Have you ever used any of these substances?
Does responsibility for participation in this retreat lie with yourself or a third party (e.g. a corporation)?
I understand that this form contains sensitive personal data, including health-related information. By submitting this form, I give explicit consent for the collection, processing and storage of this data solely for the purpose of assessing my suitability for participation in the retreat. This data will be stored securely and retained for 5 years in compliance with GDPR requirements. I understand that I have the right to access, rectify or request deletion of my data as outlined in the Privacy Policy by using the contact details provided.